
(Attempted) All Nighter Productivity Log

March 22, 2024
Productivity Log, productivity

(Attempted) All Nighter Productivity Log # I am going to stay up as long as I’m able to be productive. I am working in the ISC with Michael sitting a few feet behind me, so he’s able to see my screen. I hope that this will stop me when I am tempted to stop working. Tasks # Implement graphing visualization for recursive feature elimination of side channel leakage dataset Set up programmatic email sending with Gmail and custom domain for Griffin Events Do Project 3 for Applied Machine Learning, which involves implementing a selection of machine learning classifiers Upload my updated website once the ftp server is back up Log # 21:16 - I begin working on my research project. ...


March 11, 2024

24 HOUR RAGE HYPERFOCUS DEEP WORK SESSION # Purpose I am going to spend the next 24 hours working on technical tasks for all of the projects that I am currently working on with other people. I am very interested in seeing how my productivity improves or worsens as time progresses. I am also curious about how much work I am actually able to accomplish in a long period of time of arbitrary length. ...