Tools and Workflow

How I use my computer #

Intro #

This is a resource that documents all the tools and shortcuts I use.

You can directly look at my dotfiles here.

Shortcuts [Windows] #

  • alt + tab -> switch between windows
  • win -> open start menu. type the name of an installed application and hit enter to run it
  • win + r -> open task launcher. commands may be directly run from this box.

General Text Editing [Libreoffice/Word Processors] #

  • arrow keys to move cursor
  • ctrl + arrow key -> move to the next word, where words are delimited by whitespace
  • hold shift while moving cursor -> highlight the text the cursor moved over
  • home -> move to the beginning of a line
  • end -> move to the end of a line
  • backspace -> delete the character before the cursor
  • delete -> delete the character after the cursor

TUIs (Terminal User Interface) #

  • I use WSL 2 on my Windows laptop, and Fedora Linux on my desktop. I can’t stand fake shells like git bash.
  • When using Linux, install software with a package manager.
  • tmux - terminal multiplexer - my tmux config
  • vim - Vi IMproved - learn vim using vimtutor
  • bash is the default shell on many Linux systems. I use bash aliases to shorten long commands, which makes them more memorable and faster to type. The .bashrc file is run at the start of every bash shell session. My .bashrc is here. There’s probably some junk in there you don’t need, so I wouldn’t copy it verbatim.

Software #

  • I created this website using a SSG (Static Site Generator) called Hugo, which is written in Go. It’s pretty cozy.
  • I use Google Docs for notetaking and communicating plans or ideas with others. I am super prolific at typing up ideas and sharing them with others.
  • When writing code, I always go to an LLM before sifting through technical documentation. It makes my development faster.