Open Offer

What I’m Working on #

I am developing a site to centralize announcements at my college.

We have three developers, including myself.

We are looking for anybody with UX or general aesthetic design experience. If you’re non-technical, still reach out! We are spending a lot of energy on making the site as simple, beautiful, and intuitive as possible.

If you’re interested in working on the project, or just curious about what we’re doing, you’re welcome to email me at prroberts (at) wm (dot) edu.

Things I think should be built #

I have several technical projects that are a work in progress. I am only focusing on one of them, because I’m only one man. However, I think it would be neat for these ideas to be developed, even if I’m not the one to do it. The following are a list of ideas I’ve had that I would love to see implemented. If you build any of these, I’m willing to work with you and provide any assistance I can.

For each concept, I’ve included the stack I would use, but it’s really at the discretion of whoever actually builds the thing.

  • Essay generator with quotes and citations. [Prefab LLM, Python, BS4/requests]
  • LLM for tagging paragraphs of text. [PyTorch / JAX / Tinygrad, Python]
  • Web client based pptx summarizer. This already exists, but the models are run serverside. Offloading compute onto users reduces server costs drastically.
    [Flask, React, ONNX.js / transformers.js, WebGPU, WASM]
  • Open Source Prediction Market. Effectively a minimal, self-hosted version of Manifold. I think it’d be neat to create markets within smaller organizations, like a club or group of friends.