
Philip Roberts #

I am here, on Discord, and Instagram. My name is Philip Roberts. I live in Maryland and I’m at W&M for Computer Science.

I am currently researching microarchitectural side channel vulnerabilities at the William & Mary Cybersecurity Center. I am also building a multidisciplinary team working to modernize liberal arts research methods with data science and software engineering.

I am looking for a full-time software engineering role after I graduate in December 2025. If you think I’d be a good fit for your team, email me at [email protected] for my resume.

Areas of Expertise

- Python, C++, Java, and MATLAB
- PyTorch, Keras, NumPy, scikit-learn
- React, Node.js, Flask
- Shell scripting and Linux


- Mountain biking with friends
- Gym
- Guitar
- Being in nature

Technical #

Read my blog! #

A photograph taken at dusk while resting after a bike ride.